Friday, July 17, 2020

2020 #21-UP CLOSE & PERSONAL W/ AUTHOR Genesis Amaris Kemp

About the Author
Genesis Amaris Kemp is a wife, sister, 
aunt, cousin, friend, and child of God. She is bubbly, loves to talk, loves to try new things, travel, meet new people, and encourage others the best she can.

Genesis is the youngest of four siblings 
with a vast cultural background. She began writing in high school off and on as her way to release stress and express herself. It was also her way of communicating with God. In a sense, she felt as if she was unable to talk to those closest to you her. She knew if she told her problems to the family, they would see it as nagging or constantly complaining. Instead of internalizing her issues
and unsettling battles that could lead to depression and oppression, the Holy Spirit led her to write. Getting her thoughts out of her head and onto paper proved therapeutic. Little did she know that would lead to her writing a book.

Some might say she has no qualifications to write a book, but when you go through 
experiences in life, you don’t need particular
skills to deem you worthy. Life experiences alone can paint some vivid pictures because we all go through various trials and tribulations that resonate with others. As such, each area of Genesis’ life was a lesson that shaped her into the woman she is today. She allowed God to take her gifts and talents and make them extraordinary. 
She is continually learning what her destiny and purpose assignments are while on this earth, all while embracing her writing passion.

Genesis is a woman of color who said, 
“Enough is enough,” and is now bolder than ever. She tried to remain quiet, but that didn’t work because no change occurred. Today, she is readapting to the current times and making some life-changing decisions. She is stepping outside of her comfort zone by speaking up, challenging the status quo, and refusing to let limitations placed on her keep her down.

Genesis sees herself as a visionary and a woman who will go on to do great things that empower others to speak up for themselves. Yes, it may be hard; yes, it may hurt. In the long run, she desires to encourage others to help those who may not have a voice. She is a trailblazer who wants others to live out their dreams, goals, and visions. If it takes her writing this book to accomplish those tasks, then so be it. We all have been given a wonderful purpose in life. It is up to us to walk it out and live victoriously!

With all the issues going on in the 🌎 right now, Chocolate Drop in Corporate America is a good read. 

Short, Quick, Easy Read that applies to all industries and speaks to various people.

Amazon Kindle/Kindle Unlimited:

People can also purchase the book in bulks

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