Friday, July 10, 2020


Aquintas Jones (Quint) was born in Bridgeport, CT. I came from a single
family home raised by my mom Gwendolyn Jones. I searched for my father for
years, up until I grew to hate him because he was not there. I blamed him for
a lot of things I went through. Don’t get me wrong, I had a strong father figure
in my life which was my uncle Eugene Davis until he died when I was 21.
My book Get up & Get out Your Own Way! Was birthed out of pain and
suffering and me deciding to change my mindset and become obedient to
God. I stopped running, I decided to take time and look at me (the inside of
me) and deal with those things I needed to be healed from. Things I repressed
such as reminding myself I am “Virtuous, My mistakes are necessary and I
had to grow through my go through.” When I recognized those things; God
began to bring manifestation in my life. My book is based on Affirmations,
identification and Scripture.
I also had to learn when to war and to speak. I had to
get under some great teaching and become a student. I
have an awesome Pastor/Spiritual Mom in my life
Roxanne George. And some great mentors. God gives
you what you need when you realize He is in control
and He don’t need your Help...


  1. i found this to be a very inspiring story of strength, dedication and perseverence. Her words heightened my ambitions and I honestly hope that her book does well.

    1. Amen thanks for sharing with the author please follower her on facebook.

  2. My name is Jerome DeVonni Wilson
