Tuesday, July 16, 2024

QM Dr. ChenziRa Davis Kahina (host on Da Crew Podcast)

QM Dr. ChenziRa Davis Kahina 

Griot | Educator | Cultural Creative Artivist | Communication Specialist | Priestess |Holistic Developer | Researcher I Bibliophile | Author | Heritage Curator

"Bamboula represents more than a dance step style for performance and public entertainment. It represents a socio-cultural, socio-political and psycho-spiritual engagement that fuses body, mind, spirit and consciousness with sacred traditions, inspirational vision and freedom from physical, mental and spiritual bondage on a multiplicity of dimensions." (Davis Kahina: 2009)

ChenziRa Davis Kahina respectfully known as “Dr. Chen” is a co-founding director of Per Ankh (House of Life)©, and creatrix of ANUPerAnkh© instituting Culture, Healing, Arts, Technology and Spirituality for Life, Inspiration, Freedom, and Education (CHATS4LIFE©). Davis Kahina is the founding creatrix of AST Speaks©, NUWOMANRISING©, and Heritage Education Arts Legacy© (HEAL); inaugural founding director of the Virgin Islands Caribbean Cultural Center (VICCC); Assistant Professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI); and producer/director/writer/narrator for Bamboula cultural heritage education creative arts. Davis Kahina’s academic credentials and intellectual research journeys include Rutgers University (NCAS), Pepperdine University (CA), University of California- San Diego, International University of Natural Sciences, and other global institutions. Davis Kahina's communitarian arts consultancy work collaborates with Contemporary African Diaspora Arts (CADA)- Miami/Global; Cisco

the Artist™ Enterprises (US/DR); Creative Justice Initiative©, Corredor Afro©, Girl Child Art Foundation - African Female Artist Mentorship Program (Nigeria/Global); Afrakan Caribbean Cultural Artivists International, and other global entities. Davis Kahina has researched, choreographed, produced, taught, and published on the Bamboula and related cultural heritage arts for more than 35 years inclusive of Restoration of the St. Croix Bamboula; Three Queens: A VI Chautauqua; and Bamboula Sacred Cultural Traditions.

Davis Kahina has served as author, contributing editor, creative visionary, artist, and producer for multi-media and creative scholarly publications and productions inclusive of Hell Under God’s Orders: HUGO by Dr. Gloria I. Joseph, Audre Lorde and Hortense Rowe (1991); Cognitive Trends of Education for African Caribbean Americans (1998); Listening to Ancestral Wisdom: Sacred Conch Shell Inspirations (2004); Three Queens of the Virgin Islands (Chautauqua/Play: 2005); Heritage Education Arts Legacy-HEAL© (2013); The Wind Is Spirit: The Life, Love and Legacy of Audre Lorde by Dr. Gloria I. Joseph (2015); Caribbean Cultural Studies: 21st Century Paradigms for University-Level Heritage Education and Arts Legacy Programs (2014+); Queens of the Virgins (Film Screening at CARIFESTA 2017 Barbados); Fireburn: The Documentary (Produced by Angela Golden Bryan 2020); AfRaKan Women Lead (Arts and Sciences Research/Building Legacy Media: 2023); Miami Art Basel/CADA (2019-2023), and other collaborative partnerships and provisions of creative productions, authorship, media documentation, broadcasting, transcultural digital media, and creative arts publications annually. Davis Kahina works collaboratively with interdisciplinary, socioeconomic, Caribbean centered organizations, and global alliances inclusive of: Caribbean Pan African Network (CPAN); CARICOM Caribbean Reparations Commission (CRC);African Union ECOSOCC (AU); Universal Negro Improvement Association African Communities League (UNIAACL RC2020); AfRaKan Queen Mother Warriors (AQMW)©; VI Architecture Center for Built Heritage and Crafts (VIAC); Toastmasters International™- St Croix Toastmasters; Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus©; Carib Academy©; Society of Virgin Islands Historians; Caribbean Studies Association (Past President); Society of Black Archaeologists™; St. Croix Foundation for Community Development-Non Profit Consortium; God’s House International ©; PULSE™; Temple of Inner Peace©; Seminole-Maroons Council; Maroon Indigenous Women's Network; Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars (ACWWS); Virgin Islands Cultural Heritage Institute (VICHI); AIDO Network International™ (Ambassador at Large); Caribbean Museum Center for the Arts; VI Youth Advocacy Coalition (VIYAC); Music In Motion School of Higher Dance Education (MIMSHDE); and other global academic, sustainable, humanitarian, and civil society networks, institutions, and organizations.

https://www.youtube.com/astspeaks AST Speaks

https://youtu.be/58D4pBaXdrQ Queens of the Virgins (Trailer)

https://youtu.be/s1SbQh9qKkk?si=aJuPKBKyqOJlmV7k Bamboula: An Introduction https://encyclopediajumbie.wordpress.com Cultural Heritage Arts Resources

#chenzirakahina #astspeaks - Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


πŸŽ‰πŸ‘ **Congratulations to Michael Guinn, Man of the Year!** πŸ‘πŸŽ‰

We are thrilled to celebrate the incredible Michael Guinn, whose tireless dedication and multifaceted talents have earned him the well-deserved title of Man of the Year!

From his influential work as a mental health specialist to his impactful presence in the world of spoken word, poetry, and community activism, Michael's contributions are truly unparalleled. His visionary efforts in creating safe and supportive platforms for artists, coupled with his prowess as an emcee and performer, have left an indelible mark on audiences around the globe.

Michael's recent accolades, including the 2023 National Spokenword Award and nominations for prestigious music awards, are a testament to his exceptional talent and unwavering commitment to making a difference. Not to mention his incredible work with "Verbz & Vibez," where he has raised significant funds for poets in need.

Your journey from Jacksonville, Texas, to the global stage inspires us all. Congratulations, Michael Guinn, on being named Man of the Year! Here’s to your continued success and the countless lives you’ll keep touching with your artistry and advocacy. πŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸŽ€

#MichaelGuinn #ManOfTheYear #Inspiration #SpokenWord #Community


Michael Guinn is a Jacksonville Texas native who besides being a full time mental health specialist, is also nationally renowned spoken word artist, storyteller, multi published, award winning poet and high impact community events organizer and activist with a global audience.

He is an internationally renowned content creator and professional high energy emcee for audiences of all ages. Michael has almost 30 years of experience as the director of Mike Guinn Entertainment and FDR/CEO of Uplift Your Life, a 501c3 which addresses mental health and wellness via performance arts. He is a 2023 Winner Of The National Spokenword Awards and is an award winning and highly sought after promoter who continues to build safe and supportive platforms for all artists and audiences everywhere. For the past four years he has also hosted one of the most consistent virtual open mics on clubhouse called Verbz & Vibez where he has helped raise more than 17,000 for poets on and off the app.

Michael is also a full time social worker turned actor and has also appeared in films, stage and television series and is currently streaming on Amazon, Peacock, Netflix, Tubi, black Oak TV, Afro Land RV, YouTube and Roku. Michael is also a voting member of the NAACP Image Awards and hosts 8 ongoing open mics and ten annual showcases and conferences nationwide.

Most recently, he has also been nominated for a Gospel Choice Music award, a Prayze Factor Award and is on the waitlist for Grammy consideration for his new album “The Calling”

Michael has also published two best-selling collections of poetry and has had his works featured in more than 125 journals, anthologies, ezines on multiple continents in a career that spans more than 25 years! Michael is a two-time National Poetry Slam Finalist, Toronto International Slam Champion and most recently won a 2023 National Spokenword Award for America’s Top Spokenword Emcee/Host and he is always seeking new opportunities to make every experience a fun and rewarding for all. Say Hello to the curator of cool, the king of collaboration, arguably the HARDEST WORKING MAN IN POETRY Mr. Michael Guinn

Michael is just as heavily involved in social services and currently serves on several boards and provides vital input and services to assist with deliverables for homeless and former foster youth.

Poems By Mike Guinn

Unstoppable Blossoms

A sprout is born
It's seed sheds skin in fertile soil.

An embryo once cocooned in a caution's cacophony.
Now becomes a bold bud nestled in rocky resistance.

Its roots struggle, striving to explore.
Desperately digging down deep for more

Strong stems spring forth
Leaves unfold and stretch towards the sun.
It will not be denied this warmth.
it will not give way to wind.

It's a journey from seedling to being
A plant poised passage of purpose
No longer germination's court jester
It emerges to announce it's arrival
Proud petals proclaim it's place on this planet
Behold the beginning of a bold new bloom
This is an Unstoppable blossom

These are the stages of me.


There’s a sound south of my knowing.
A whoosh of wind winding in whispers and wonder.
A breeze blowing boldly because of the breath of this moment.
And here I am caught up in this gust of time trying desperately to hold on to this feeling.
I’ve created a masterpiece.

A moment molded by the momentum of an active imagination.
I’ve built a monument.

A reminder of the many minutes
I’ve spent sculpting and reshaping the mountain of the man I’ll become.
And now that I’m all grown up.
Now that my pen has become my peace.
I’ve diagnosed and released determined demons delivered by design and poured them all out on the page of my mind.
I am free now.

Sleep betrays me.
Tomorrow cannot come soon enough.
But right now, as I wrestle with these Unwelcomed wishes. I pray that daylight reveals and relinquishes me from these still-smoldering embers of past pain.
I made it. Did it all by my damn self.
I’m still here momma.
It’s been 50 years. Be proud of me.
Because your son created a masterpiece.


To Be Each other's Wholesale

In the bottom of boat built for baggage
we sat. Starving for salvation.
Stolen from our nation.
We were No longer free.

Across oceans the motion moved us farther from the motherland we knew.
Knees raw. backs blue.
Blistered feet! Stuck in the goo

But still
We came here together.
Woman Loving you was my greatest migration

And not even the stench of greed
Nor being treated like breeds
Could stop our love.

No whip could erase the memory of your kiss. Massa’s midnight visits did not stop this craving for your touch. I was a slave to you long before they captured me.

And here we are

Standing chained together at an auction of blocked blessings
half of a whole that has no half to hold.
For sale. still
I'd rather be beaten black blue then to die unchained to you.

This Is Why I Love My Neighbor                                                     
By Mike Guinn 

I could tell by that Make America Great Again bumper sticker that my neighbor loved the former president. She was Always watching me, judging me, giving me that mean look for no reason. 

We couldn’t stand each other.  Well we may have had OUR differences, but our pets could care less about   “politics”.  Everyday my dog anxiously waits for her little friend. And when she sees her.  the excitement begins.  Then what was once a battleground becomes common ground for my neighbor and I.  And as we enjoy the energy of two animals bonding. We talk!  Hi my name is Brenda and this is Cassie. 

My name is Mike and this is Abby. We’ve done this everyday and our friendship has grown. Three weeks ago she’s asked me to pray for her mom JEAN! Well her mom passed. My heart goes out to her. 

Still…our routine continues. And whenever I run out of those doggy poo pickup bags! Brenda shares. When she sees someone that we don’t know! I’m right there. We’ve decided that our dog’s friendship and ours, were way more important than politics. 

God is a genius the way he brings people together at time when they need each other the most. When we first met, I thought. 

Uh oh! Not another one of those “Karens”. Turns out deep down she was just so caring” And this is how we learn to love our neighbors! 


COME BACK HOME! Letter To A Moving Target

By Mike Guinn

Son I want you to see that your life.. does not have to be Saturday night autopsies & pre-ordered grave stones a freedom you’ll never know. 

But you can no longer live this life as if the Negro National Anthem was enough to justify the color of your skin.  Because if you do.  

NO amount of tattoos or K2 will ever replace the scar tissue on your soul.  Your heritage is more than rope burns around history’s black neck. 

It’s a deep desire for survival no matter how loudly homicide speaks of rivers. This melanin is so rich that when this nation denies you your color, it will be impossible to feel safe in this house arrest called America. 

And even after you’ve given this country all of your Africa and your life light goes dim. You’ll realize that our fragile lives did not began on the back porch of shotgun houses, that the chalked lines that silhouette themselves in the shape of a lonely bulls-eye searching for another black target don’t have to fit the profile! 

And it’s not your fault that you were born a verb in past tense, an unwilling subject in a sentence that kept on running. This curse, this prison we call life is like playing peekaboo with Satan. Because here you are, fractured by the manner in which the wind whistled and Emmitt-tilled your future. 

Son my love is rugged remnants of pain polished smooth by trial and error. It knows your soul like skeletons know crowded closets. These streets will eat and rip and tear you apart SON! 

They are as relentless as hurricanes and as unforgiving as white privilege.     And I am dying inside the way this life intended, but not you!  You will not be blood stains on sidewalks or a redundancy of clichΓ©s rewinding themselves into tornadoes of fully refurbished lies. 

You will not sag or smoke or walk around here entitled with the audacity to hold up clean hands like this world owes you something.  Because it fucking don’t. 

Listen.. I don’t want your existence to be another statistic on the back page of history. This life needs to know that if you died, at least you stood for something far more substantial than a bag of weed or pride. There are good things to come son. But you have to be here to see em. So do me a favor, lose the attitude, put down your ego, pull up yo pants and remember this!  That whether it be cop or stranger Just SHUT YO MOUTH. SMILE! STAY ALIVE.. and Bring Yo Ass Home! Cause these streets don’t give a damn about young black men.


Fix Me 

When I was little 

I wanted to fix earthquakes because I didn’t like it when things crumbled. 


But I still ended up scar tissue 

Tender remnants of what’s left of trauma’s lashes and lament 


I tried to fix it

Picked up the bits and pieces of me 

Filled in the potholes of my soul 

Stitched compliments to my smiles 

And created this patchwork of pride and guilt 

Built more for self-sufficiency than legacy. 


I tried to fix it 

But how can a suicide singed survivor 

Lost and longing

Find traction on trails with such treacherous terrain. 


I became a trial and error specialist 

Geppetto’s reluctant marionette 


And now skulking skeletons peep from crowded closets at my loathing.
Shadows mimic memories from the moments where my mind’s 

momentum meanders in a menagerie of misery. 


And as alchemy beckons me relentlessly 

I’ve become a hostage to a frequency that will never let me be free 

The dichotomy of my biology bothers me astrologically. 
Because me loving me was an improbable possibility


And this yearning, this burning be hot like lava. 

A melody that mysteriously moves me to a time when star signs 

Once divine

Intertwine in a glorious celebration of sound. 

My black her brown.  My castle… Her crown. 

And yet here we are 

Missing pieces in a partnership of puzzles trying to fix and fit together again. 


Non Profit Board Member Info

New Friends New Life Men’s Advocacy Group which provides creative outlets and support for women rescued from Human Trafficking. Michael facilitates a writing workshop 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for the past 8 years and is a role model for men who provide safe spaces.

Purple Light Touch Foundation: An organization that provides resources for women and yong girls who have been through domestic violence.

3 Leaf Foundation: An organization that provides literacy opportunities for our ederly.

Catch The Next: A foundation that provides college assistance to first generation Hispanic students via resources, funding and transfer motivational opportunities.

Acting Accolades

With all that Michael does he manages to keep his acting skills honed and has won several awards including the 2020 Irma P Hall Black Theater award for a featured actor in the stage play and is streaming in two Amazon prime series. Peter: The Series and he’s also makes an appearance on Season 2 of “ WASHED”

Michael is also starring in a regional film called “God’s Tired” directed by Michael Green (Dallas) and a short film called “The Lamb” directed by Ali Kareem (Los Angeles) Michael has been a featured actor in several short films & documentaries and Is no stranger to the stage. He has a huge following and brings everything he has to the table as a featured guest or artist.

Notable Stage Works

Keeping The Dream Alive (Sacramento ‘03) Lisa Lacy

I Wish I Had Waited (Dallas ‘05) Sylvia Lett

Ritche Man (Dallas 09)

Roses Are Read -Sammy Estrada

2017 (Fort Worth)
Born To Win By Kay Bell - Waco 2018

Sweat Farr Best Theater

Father Comes Home From The War (African American Repetory Theater) Won Irma P Hall Black Theater Award 2020 Dallas

Black Men Interrupted - Soul Repertory Theater - Dallas 2019

Deceitful Keystokes - Nicole Caruthers

Notable Extra Work

Bass Reeves

Sprite Commercial

Baylor Scott White Commercial

Blind Confession- Michael Green

God’s Tired -Mike G Productions 2021

Big Dreams - KD Conservatory 2021

Gold Peak Tea National Commercial 2021

Michael’s Film Credits

Gordon Lee Short Film (1)

Michael Green Short Film (3)

Calvin J Walker -(3)

N’zuri Austin (2)

Mahalia Butler Jackson

Media Tech


IMDB For Mike Guinn Actor


Gold Peak Tea Commercial


The Lamb (New Short Film) Ali Kareem Writer/Director (2020)


Actors Access: www.resumes.actorsaccess.com/MikeGuinnActor

1000 Cards https://10000cards.com/card/michael-guinn


Michael has appeared on Good Morning Texas 3 times as well as other notable news spots

CBS 19 Interview on Spokenword


NBC5 Interview

Fort Worth Magazine Article Mike Guinn

Fox News Social Worker Advocate


Channel 8 Interview With Mike Guinn
Wednesday Child


Actors Access: resumes.actorsaccess.com/

MikeGuinn Actor

Website: http://www.mikeguinneent.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stories/mike.guinn.ent/
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-guinn-a9b2a911
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/jordanmichaelg.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michael.guinn.948
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jordanmichaelg

Thursday, May 23, 2024

AAALAC Book Tour Event 2024 in Fort Worth, Texas 5/18/2024

While literacy is on the rise in the Black and Brown communities there's still room for growth. As I stumbled across an ad, for hosting a Book Tour and Expo my curiosity was immediately intrigued and I researched to find AAALAC CHASING YOUR DREAM BOOK TOUR AND EXPO shared the same beliefs, we can contribute to increasing our literate rates across the board and drive Authors and Business Owners to lead the way. As an African American Author I felt elated to be a part of such a dynamic group and I have experienced nothing but growth from day one. The Aspiring Authors Magazine, and Da Crew Podcast in combination provide a foundation for Authorprenuers to stand while giving back to the community and leading our children. To help Increase the interest we had to promote and engage like-minded individuals as a local host I reached out to a few leaders and was elated to find so many who shared the same vision. 

Therefore, the challenge became an apparent source of headlining local Authors sharing their brand and this also opened doors of engagement for podcasting, public speaking, and stretching their platform while giving their time to the communities. This was carefully thought out, and we were able to gain momentum from Bimbo Bakeries providing over 200 snacks and treats, and a few gifts and door prizes for children and families. GoTrax a local Business gave an electronic scooter that generated funds via raffle, also local leaders, Councilman Chris Nettles, Isahia, Congressman Marc Veasey, and Melissa Alfaro District Director of who presented AAALAC and Angela the visionary with a certificate of recognition, how exciting. They opened their doors as well as News 8 WFAA Scoot Jefferson as his flight was delayed and unable to attend, also Forest Hill Library gave out over 50 plus books. Community Representatives showered the event to make it a success, we do not want to forget the venues we were blessed by The Doc Bookshop to host our meet and greet, as local Chef MamaBeas Cuisine Catered both the meet-up and expo Award Winning Michael Guinn was more than just the Emcee and the DJ DOC SMOOTH carried us through the greet and expo as well, in other words, our community came together and delivered.

African American Authors Literacy Awareness Campaign Book Tour and Expo for The DFW area was a success!  we're pleased to be recognized for our business and literary contributions.  The Expo was a driven force that closed out a 2 day event.
I commend AAALAC for choosing Fort Worth to host such an amazing opportunity to showcase our talents and awaken the Authorprenuership and appeasement of awareness. The driving force has three levels to educate, empower and encourage. There will be plenty of opportunities to attend, if anyone missed it DFW, AAALAC is on tour and I look forward to attending another location just to pay it forward. We appreciate Angela Thomas Smith for sharing the vision and trusting us to help deliver.

Friday, March 1, 2024

AAALAC 🌟 Celebrating an Inspirational Queen for International Women's History Month! 🌟 Lateshia Shanette Lane


 πŸ‘‘ Celebrate the amazing Queen, Lateshia Shanette Lane, for International History Month! From a young girl in Valdosta, GA to a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist in Atlanta, Lateshia's journey is truly inspiring. She overcame challenges, beat Covid-19, and is now empowering women with her self-development book club. Let's honor her resilience and dedication to making a difference in the world! #Queen #Empowerment #Philanthropy #InternationalHistoryMonth #Inspiration πŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸ“š


Lateshia Shanette Lane is a proud native of Valdosta, GA. She prides herself on being the beautiful daughter of Wanda Denson, a philanthropist and founder of Servants of God with Open Arms and the late Dewitt Collins. Lateshia is the proud mother of Jamaal and Jacary Lane and grandmother of  her little prince charming Lamaaj Lane.  She is honored to be a former student and Alumni of Valdosta High School and a product of the Valdosta City School System, also known as the home of the Mighty Wildcats and Title town USA. She has always enjoyed giving her time to the community of Valdosta,  beginning with her first job at the age of 14 years old at the Valdosta Food Pantry where she sorted canned goods and nonperishable food items for families in need in conjunction with the JTPA teen work program. Lateshia was nurtured in a single-family household where she learned from her mother at an early age that when you work hard, life will afford you opportunities to play harder. As a young girl, Lateshia always aspired to be an advocate for change.

 As a change agent, she began her college career at Valdosta State University, where she pursued an English Degree in Secondary Education. She began her educational career as a Paraprofessional in the Lowndes County School System. She enjoyed being able to explore all facets of becoming a Middle School Teacher. It was during this time, that Latshia partnered with the Raintree Children’s Village to become the resident hairstylist for the girls in the group home and became a beauty and self-esteem mentor for the girls. After building a great bond with the girls at the group home, she realized how much she was instrumental in the enhancement of the girl’s self-esteem. This motivated her to pursue a hidden passion of becoming a Licensed Master Cosmetologist. Lateshia completed her Master of Cosmetology education at the Valdosta Academy of Beauty Culture as the Valedictorian of her class, under the Leadership of Hassan Rashadeen and Timothy Riley, both Certified Master Cosmetologist Instructors. Lateshia didn’t just stop there; she prides herself on being the first grandchild in her family to become a business owner. As an entrepreneur, Lateshia lead a very successful business by offering job opportunities to other hairstylists and barbers in the city of Valdosta. She prides herself on  having one of the first Black beauty salons to participate in the Annual Valdosta Christmas parade with a semi-float that exhibited a Mock Salon and Models that Vogued the entire route. 

Lateshia has always thrived on being a trailblazer for the beauty industry and community at large. She always dared to never be confined in a box or circle and found ways to go over and beyond the norm. Lateshia, being married at the time, relocated to Atlanta, GA with her family where she would embark a new atmosphere to save a category 5 marriage and fulfill her destiny. After less than 2 years she realized that hopes for a healthy marriage was at the end of its rope. After Divorcing her kids’ father and becoming a domestic violence survivor, she began the quest to direct her energies toward nurturing children during this season of change and helping them become involved in philanthropy work. 

Lateshia Later endeavored to obtain her Certification as a Master Cosmetologist Instructor. She is proud of her experience as a Beauty Professional Platform Stylist and Educator. She has shared her talents in front of thousands of women during the Atlanta Black Family Expo. This Expo was showcased the gifts of many Blacks in the areas of beauty, entrepreneurship, food business, black authors for children and adults, ethnic designers, and financial literacy.   Lateshia loves to educate women on healthy hair care, product knowledge, and self-esteem awareness. She has also partnered with Hosea Helps, Non-profit organization founded by the late Hosea Williams, Civil Rights Leader, Activist.  This partnership allowed her to share her beauty expertise by grooming the homeless women population of Atlanta, GA with trending hairstyles and many words of motivation and inspiration. She has been Interviewed on several occasions by the Local News Stations in Atlanta for her philanthropy work. 

Lateshia is a former member of the National 100 Black Women of Atlanta, Dekalb Chapter. She is honored to have been a member of a model chapter that focused on women empowerment in the strategic areas of, Economic Empowerment, Health and Wellness, Public Policies and Procedures and Public Relations, and Education. During her time of philanthropy work, she reminisces on the opportunity of being able to deliver letters to the office of Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House at the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic. These letters outlined and detailed the issues that plagued black women across the United States of America. After a Life-threatening crisis being hospitalized with Covid-19, Lateshia, a warrior for change, beat the odds of Covid -19 after an extensive hospital stay. It was during this illness that she received divine enlightenment that women in our society were dealing with an all-time high plight of self esteem issues, mental health, and the lack of self love. During her recovery, she set out to create a safe space for women to meet virtually that would allow them to have a safe haven, to know that they matter,  their voices matter, and that true inner beauty exudes from within. This safe place has become a place of self-development. After much thought and careful planning, Lateshia created a self-development book club that would allow women to become the best version of themselves from the inside out and beat their best yet.

 In the Fall of 2023, Lateshia found herself at a crossroads of life when death separated her from her lifelong Mentor and God mom, Mrs. Irene Godfrey Miller. This unexpected and sudden loss became the second most heartbreaking encounter in her life. She continues to grieve this loss daily. Lateshia always knew to be absent in the body was to be present with the Lord, and her season had finally come to an end with a woman that helped mold and change the trajectory of her life in becoming a Philanthropist. Her mentor taught her to live life to the fullest, and in the end, there would be no regrets; however, Lateshia had one regret, and that was not becoming the founder of two organizations that were dear to her heart and the heart of her mentor.

 Lateshia did not make her deadline to create a non-profit organization for Women and Domestic Violence. Instead of falling prey to her grief, it stoked a fire that caused her to keep busy focusing on creating two nonprofit organizations registered in the State of Georgia.  As of October, 2023, Lateshia became the founder of S.I.S.T.A.S. R.E.A.D. Book Club Inc., which consists of women across the nation. The organization went public in January of 2024.  I.R.E.N.E.S. Against Domestic Violence, Inc. organization will go public in the second quarter of 2024. Lateshia’s favorite inspirations in life are “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you learn better, you are accountable for doing better,” and “How you do anything, is how you do everything.”

Sunday, February 25, 2024

AAALAC 🌟 Celebrating an Inspirational Queen for International Women's History Month| HONORING Dena Crecy


This International Women's History Month, we want to honor and celebrate the incredible Queen Dena Crecy. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, a mother, grandmother, author, speaker, coach, and Distinguished Toastmaster, Dena embodies strength, faith, and empowerment.

Dena's passion for sharing God's word and helping women discover their purpose is truly inspiring. Through her books, speaking engagements, and coaching, she has impacted countless lives and helped women find fulfillment in relationships, career, finances, and life purpose.

Her dedication to empowering women led her to establish Relationships God Style, a nonprofit organization that seeks to disciple women into the purposes of God using biblical principles. Dena's commitment to serving others and spreading love and hope is truly commendable.

As a mother of two adult children and a proud granny, Dena's love and wisdom shines through in everything she does. Her authenticity, compassion, and unwavering faith are a beacon of light in a world that sometimes feels dark.

We applaud Queen Dena Crecy for her tireless work, her unwavering faith, and her commitment to empowering and uplifting women around the world. Thank you, Dena, for being a true queen and a shining example of strength and grace. Happy International Women's History Month! #QueenDenaCrecy #EmpoweredWomen #WomenOfFaith

QM Dr. ChenziRa Davis Kahina (host on Da Crew Podcast)

QM Dr. ChenziRa Davis Kahina  Griot | Educator | Cultural Creative Artivist | Communication Specialist | Priestess |Holistic Developer | Re...