Monday, July 27, 2020

2020 #73-UP CLOSE & PERSONAL W/ AUTHOR Collette Scandrett

Collette is a 34-year old African-American writer and avid music lover. She was born in
Washington, D.C. but raised in Columbia, SC. For those who don't know her she is a bit of a tv
junkie. Most shows from the late 1990s and early 2000s she has seen and can probably name
most of the main characters. She started writing when she was in high school but further refined
and developed her passion while attending college. She found that she has a tendency to write
about what she is feeling in that moment in the way of poetry but she is currently working on
finishing a novel that is more reminiscent of a memoir.
She is an alumna of Devry University (bachelor's degree), has a master’s degree from Purdue
Global, and is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program at Walden University. All of the post
graduate work completed was with a concentration in Criminal Justice. She is currently on the
journey of trying to introduce her works to all that would find interest. Her love for writing
started in the 8 th  grade after reading some poetry by Maya Angelou. Since reading her words, she
discovered her own poetic voice. In the 9 th  grade, her English teacher required that every student
write their own anthology. This only further sparked her love for writing and confidence in her
literary voice.
She has self-published two poetry books (Is Life Worth Living and The Pain That Never Ends)
on Amazon covering numerous topics that are experienced in life. The first book follows from
the beginning of life to the end and some things that are experienced during those times. The
second book is a book that deals with some of the harder times that she faced in life. The novel
she is currently working on, Journal of Abuse, shows the many different experiences she had
with abuse and depression, including the abusive and self-destructive patterns experienced
during those times.

She has an author page on Amazon as well as a work in progress author page on Facebook.

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