Friday, September 11, 2020

2020 #138-UP CLOSE & PERSONAL W/ AUTHOR Tiesha N Bryant

Being a parent is an adventurous journey. But by the grace of God I made it this far. Being a teen mom was never my dream, but it was definitely my reality. Pregnant at 13, mom at 14... Whewww Hunty!!! I did it though with 3 simple steps!!! I chose resiliency over regret and I’m ok with being imperfectly perfect.  

When I started this project, I thought about every intervention/ counseling session I’ve had with the many youth I serviced. I thought about how I got to the point I am in my life after being pregnant at 13. I graduated in the top ten percent of her class. I was unstoppable, as a young single parent, I continued my education receiving a bachelors and master’s degree in social work. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, only 38 percent of girls who had a baby before 18 have high school diplomas. I often thought that to be true, I was told I would not be successful and debated giving up. I became very discouraged; however, I knew I had to make a better life for my daughter and myself. I don’t take any of my struggles or successes for granted; I call it an honor and privilege. I have trusted God every step of the way and truly believes anyone can exceed in life with hard work and determination. My daughter is currently a 14 year old business woman and not a "baby momma" and I'm married to the best man ever. 

I thought about the tears I’ve seen parents shed because they really are at their breaking point. I thought about all the parents who “have it together”. To learn the three simple steps I used, purchase a copy of Imperfectly Perfect: Three Steps on the Parenthood Journey, regardless the age of the child, regardless how perfect you think you are. We all have room to grow.

The book focuses on the PARENT in PARENTing. I can’t tell anyone how to be a parent, but I take honor in coaching parents on this parenthood journey. It’s an interactive book filled with resources and information whether you’re the parent of a newborn, toddler, active almost first grader, or entering those terrific teen years. Moms and dads alike can benefit from this book.
Grab a pen and get ready to embrace being the best imperfectly perfect parent.

I can be reached at


1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I’m so proud of you. I pray for you daily, I pray for you and your sisters more than I pray for myself. I trust that God will continue to shower you with blessings. Baby keep your spirit humble, stay focused, keep praying and trust the process because God will never leave you or forsake you as long as you keep the faith... Faith without work is dead and hope without trust is useless so LET GO AND SOAR INTO WHAT GOD HAS PLANNED FOR YOUR LIFE. I love you�� and yes the book is informative and touching definitely worth purchasing and only $9.99



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