Saturday, June 18, 2022


Dr. Velma Bagby,  
Award-Winning Author, Minister (ThD), Christian Dating/Relationship Coach, Inspirational Speaker, CEO, Adoni Publishing, LLC

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My Books:

 Love is possible! John 3:16

 A six-time Award-Winning Author, Dr. Velma Bagby, has written twelve books, with books thirteen and fourteen released in April 2022. She has co-written children’s books, Christian nonfiction, and Christian fiction novels relating to Christin living, women’s fiction about relationships, and Christian contemporary fiction addressing dating habits. She found her love of fiction after realizing that Jesus was a master storyteller; His parables used simple items but hidden inside His stories were wisdom and a richer message. Similarly, she enjoys writing Christian fiction and creating interesting stories, which also have a valuable message, and leaves her readers with nuggets they can take away from her stories.

She wrote her first book at 64, inspired by her daughters, who wanted to help other Christian single women after watching the downward pattern of the dating culture and a lack of training in the church. Her first book is a nonfiction relationship-focused book based on their conversations. It became a call to action for single Christian women to date with an intent to marry, called Your Adam Is Asleep Until God Opens His Eyes. She is a Christian Dating-Relationship Coach and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), Dr. Velma has coached/counseled for over 30 years, providing pastoral premarital and marriage counseling.

Dr. Velma continued writing about love and relationships with her short story, My 70s Love Story, available on Kindle and found in the Back in the Day Anthology. She shared dating from the 70s perspective, which focused on having fun, being social, and at a time when guys treated girls more respectfully. Dr. Velma used as her inspiration her blessed marriage of 48 years to her high school sweetheart and did not hesitate to be transparent as she shared her journey, which is full of tips for women before they say the words, “I do.”


In 2020, she published her first Christian fiction book entitled A Place Called Down-Why Christians Suffer. She deviated from a relationship-focused topic to bring us into her testimony of tests, trials, and tribulations and offer insight into a place of suffering common to us all. She shares why God allows a place of suffering and how He is in control the entire time. Down places can include groups of people, such as the down place related to the George Floyd incident, and when the world went to a down place because of the pandemic—she included both these historical events in this book. Dr. Velma’s book won an eLit Independent Publisher Book Award and two 2021 Firebird Awards—1st Place in Christian Fiction & 1st Place in Cover Design.

Towards the end of 2021, she contributed to two anthologies: The first book released in 2021 called “Song of Praise” and she published her eBook version of her story, “Our Rainbow Baby.” The story encourages women who are going through the difficulties of infertility and reminds the reader to look for the rainbow God sends at the end of the journey. A second anthology will release in August 2022, called “Do It Right the First Time—How to Write, Publish, and Market Your Bestseller.” As a contributor to this anthology, she authored a story entitled “Finding Your Writing Voice, After Corporate Laryngitis,” where she describes her transition from writing as an Administrator of the State government to writing fiction.

In 2021, Dr. Velma became a regular contributor for Victorious By Design Magazine and writes for their Love Zone corner. The online magazine has also featured her recent release. To subscribe go to:

Although she has enjoyed mentoring authors, as CEO of Adoni Publishing LLC, one of her greatest achievements occurred when she helped her granddaughter become a first-time author at age 6, while in first grade. Dr. Velma’s granddaughter is now a three times award-winning author for her book, The Little Letter k, and the Boring Alphabet Line. The book won two Story Monsters Approved Book Awards: 1st place in first-time author and picture book categories, and the 2021 Firebird Award, 1st place in the picture book category. She is now 9 years old and has three books published. Dr. Velma says the books exist because of her granddaughter’s imagination; she was simply her co-pilot.

Dr. Velma is not only an ordained minister with a Th.D. in Theology and an Inspirational Speaker, but she is also a respected teacher and leader. Her associations include being a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), Advanced Writers & Speakers Association (AWSA), American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Independent Book Publishing Association (IBPA), and the Bay Area Independent Publishing Association (BAIPA), as well as the Blue Ridge Readers Connection (BRRC)

She retired from the State government after a 38-year career as a California state Deputy Administrator. Dr. Velma lives in California with her husband, Pastor, Dr. Bruce, and they are parents to two adult daughters. In addition, she is blessed to have a son-in-law, three grandchildren, and her writing buddy Gracie her German Shepherd.


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