Monday, May 31, 2021

2021-#7 UP CLOSE & PERSONL W/ ANGELA featuring International Internet HALL OF FAMER BROADCASTOR & AUTHOR HUNI BAK ATUN AKA Majik Man Heru

 Peace an Abundant Divine Blissings!

Harmonious___/|\___Hapi Horizons!

(The Ageless One Reborn on 06-13-1985/34\06-13-2021)

My Credentials in clear evidence!!
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Majik Man Heru

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This is the most puzzling thing about my Life at times it seems as if I haven't change much during the time that I went through my personal Life Change!
All I can do is give thanks for All of The Divine Gifts that I recieved over 32 years ago!!

"The Lost Book of Huni page 1,062,015/1,999,999
It states and I Quote:
"Don't ever allow an enemy to see you coming! Send no signs of warning!
Allow them to spend the rest of eternity trying to figure out what happen... Amunu. In part...

This is 🔑
(The Mysterious Rebirth or Resurrection as sum call it)
Well any student or adherent of Our Holy Scriptures will attest to a day or period of time when old things or All things will become renewed in some form or fashion.

The significance of doing away with old things and accepting much needed change when it becomes apparent or when the need actually calls for it!

Before modern religious practices ancient High Priests used different rituals to take potential adherents on a INward journey to invoke change almost immediately.

This is what some have given the terminology Initiation.
One of our symbols is of The BENNU 🐦 Later on The Ancient Greeks Equated The Phoenix which is a Bird that Raised itself Up Out Of The Ashes and Became a New Creature

Look at it again!!
The 🔑 word is "It Raised Itself Up out of The Ashes or a Dead State!
This same process also happens to HUman Beings that's ready to shed The Cloak of Nonsense and Even Immortality!!

Whatever term one wants to use will not negate thr fact that a personal Life Change has taken place!
Now Let's bring this up to this period of time!
Actually my Initial Resurrection took place on 06-13-1985 and many who knew me before this date can attest that a unexplained occured in my life even if they didn't comprehend or understand it!
And to be honest I didn't even fully understand either back then.

This is 🔑
Now over 36 years later what was once cloudy ☁ is becoming more and crystal clear!

In conclusion #Resurrection simply means to #GetUp #StandUp #RiseUp!!
Just as the people who came before me most wasn't born to do whatever they did during the course of they're life time!
I have been through the 🔥 of Hell and back within this world and has over come many different challeginges during this rollercoaster ride called Life Experiences!

Remember this is 🔑
I made it out and just like a Phoenix I have Risen Up and Became a Master just like many others who have also been tried denied rejected an even hated for my stance on being apart of the solution and not apart of the problem!

The Greater the pain the Greater the Glory!!! Signed The #MajikMan

They became what they needed to become in order to do what needed to be done!
I have studied many things from doctrines and even mysteries of the past about different customs cultures etc.
But I did a thorough self study and studied my ownself 9 times more than what I studied other things  as far as 📚 and guidance from other sources and resources such as people that has helped me to be who I Am today!

I give Thanks to ALL IN ALL for they're guidence and patience for seeing the potential for me to become a much better person than
I was ever before! Amunu

#KnowOneSelf #LostBookOfHuni™®
#maestrodeMastro #SoundTherapy
#TheMastersWayPerspective™® #SinkOrSwinMakeYourChoice

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